How to save your virtual German address on eBay?
We are located in Haupstraße street. Now, there are some things you should consider when entering our address
- German language using symbol "ß" which can be replaced by "ss". This is common practice and "Haupstrasse" is the same as "Hauptstraße"
- Shorten version is also perfectly OK, therefore you can use "Hauptstr."
Therefore Hauptstrasse = Hauptstraße = Hauptstr.
All three versions are perfectly fine.
Neugersdorf is part of the "Ebersbach-Neugersdorf" city. Generally is OK to use both variants.
eBay address example
eBay using autofill, you can simply type our street and city into "Straße und Hausnummer" field and then select the offered address
or fill the address manually
eBay might offer you a corrected address
Please note, that the address on the right side has no "Tiptrans" in it - your package will likely not be delivered to that address. Therefore either use the address on the left side, or, if you select the one on the right, you have to edit it and add "Tiptrans 1234" ("1234" is your ID).