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How it works

How to start with Tiptrans
1. Open your account and get local addresses in China and Europe http://www.tip...
Here is the legal bit of how the insurance works at Tiptrans. We understand you...
Missing payment
Did you pay us, and the payment is not credited to your balance yet? Kindly cont...
Assisted purchase
Assisted purchase in China and Europe Are you looking for a personal shopper i...
Tracking number not working / not valid / no updates
There is a meager chance you've received the wrong tracking number. Please cons...
Our processing times
We totally understand you want us to have all your requests done within no time....
How to change your shipping address in Tiptrans
Each customer can have only one shipping address at this moment. However, we und...
How Tiptrans calculate Storage price?
The basic rule - every package can stay 30 days free of charge if you stay ...
How to recognize which package is related to specific order from Taobao
If you order a lot of stuff from Taobao (and you will, believe me) you might get...